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To my Mirror

We've been in a "no contact situation" for so many years. It feels awkward to write, and I know it feels worse trying to get back in touch! A few years ago, I wanted to post this, exactly around the summer of 2020. Back then I came to the realization that my mother is a covert narcissist. The realization was traumatic, that I lost half the volume of my hair, and my gut health got worse to the point that I became intolerant to most foods, even fresh veggies!  But, that learning about my mother made me realize a more important thing; you are my mirror! A month after you decided to leave, I got a call from a friend who used to work with your father, may his soul rest in peace. And, that call helped me understand how complicated your relationship with your father is. I knew it was complicated, but I didn't know to what extent! Back then I asked God, why now?! He left, why do you give me this info now! I couldn't find an answer and I went on with my life. About a coupl
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To George Michael

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Life Phases

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The easy path or the right path?

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Wishing for something is one thing, and expecting how it is going to happen is another. We often wish for things expecting we get them a way or another, blinding ourselves from other odd ways that could lead to our wishes. Clinging to the method rather than the goal, focusing on the how and the when instead of being open to all possibilities. That is how we often have our wishes disregarded. Open your eyes and heart. Don't be afraid. Your wishes could be granted in the most extraordinary ways.
"Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself. He threshes you to make you naked. He sifts you to free you from your husks. He grinds you to whiteness. He kneads you until you are pliant; And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God’s sacred feast."

The Prophet ~ Khalil Gibran